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Poila Baishakh Rangoli Designs- Poila Baishak is the Bengali New Year. On this day, people tend to dress up and also make their houses clean and tidy to welcome the new year with open arms. The festival is widely celebrated in the eastern part of the country.
On Poila Baishak, people pray to Maa Laxmi as she is the goddess of food and wealth. They pray for their sustenance and to bring in more wealth and prosperity into their houses. To make houses festival-ready and perfect for the event, people tend to decorate their houses too.
Through the help of lights, flowers, and rangoli, houses can be made into perfect and very pretty spaces. Rangoli is colored sand which is used to make different creative art. The art can be made by freehand or even stencils. Rangoli art can be a task to find out and select which one to draw to match the festival. To help you with that, we have brought in and said.
Sometimes even friends and family, everyone starts to create their version of rangolis. It’s perfect and very pretty to look at. Poila Baishakh rangoli designs are a must-see to beautify your home.
Below, we have mentioned the 10 best Poila Baishakh rangoli designs for you to choose from. These are simple, pretty, creative, and an amazing option for you to choose from and select your favorite design.
10 Poila Baishakh Rangoli Designs:
1. Theme Poila Baishakh Rangoli Design

Credit: Pinterest
2. Ganesha

Credit: Pinterest
3. Peacock Poila Baishakh Rangoli Design

Credit: Pinterest
4. Simple

Credit: Pinterest
5. Diya

Credit: Pinterest
6. Vibrant Poila Baishakh Rangoli Design

Credit: Pinterest
7. Floral

Credit: Pinterest
8. Handi Poila Baishakh Rangoli Design

Credit: Pinterest
9. Pretty

Credit: Pinterest
10. Leaf Poila Baishakh Rangoli Design

Credit: Pinterest


Ram Navami is the culmination of the Chaitra Navratri 2024, which is celebrated as the beginning of Hindu New Year. This year Ram Navami will happen on April 17, 2024. Ram Navami is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor by millions of Hindus across the globe.
Ram Navami signifies the day on which Lord Rama who was the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu was born. Lord Rama is also known as Maryada Purshottama and is an embodiment of morality, virtue, and kindness. By culture Ram Navami falls on the Ninth day of Chaitra Navaratri and this year it will fall on April 17, 2024.
Ram Navami is an occasion to remember the path of dharma (righteousness), ideals of duty, honor and sacrifice which were the essence of the life of Lord Rama. Lord Rama inspires his devotees to follow the path which he set including upholding moral values and lead a life of righteousness.
The day begins with a holy bath followed by the recitation of Ramayana the epic saga about Lord Rama’s life. People also fast on Ram Navami to show their devotion to Lord Ram. Ram Navami is also an occasion to rise above the fissiparous barriers of caste, creed and nationality. Devotees from all parts of the society worship Lord Rama instilling a feeling of camaraderie and mutual respect.
Explore 50+ mesmerizing WhatsApp status videos, available for free download, to celebrate Ram Navami 2024. Express your devotion with vibrant visuals.
Best Ram Navami 2024 WhatsApp Status Video Download
May the blessings of Lord Rama fill your life with joy, prosperity, and peace. Happy Ram Navami!
Wishing you and your family a blessed Ram Navami filled with devotion and spiritual enlightenment.
May the divine presence of Lord Rama guide you towards righteousness and virtue. Happy Ram Navami!
On this auspicious day, let us celebrate the birth of Lord Rama and seek his blessings for a harmonious life.
May the teachings of Lord Rama inspire you to lead a life of compassion, courage, and righteousness. Happy Ram Navami!
Let us bow down to the epitome of dharma, Lord Rama, and seek his divine blessings for a fulfilling life ahead.
May the divine grace of Lord Rama be with you today and always, guiding you towards success and happiness.
Wishing you a Ram Navami filled with love, devotion, and moments of spiritual reflection.
May Lord Rama’s blessings be upon you, showering you with strength, courage, and wisdom. Happy Ram Navami!
Let us celebrate the birth of Maryada Purushottam Lord Rama with joy, gratitude, and reverence.
May the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami bring peace, prosperity, and happiness into your life and home.
On this sacred day, may Lord Rama’s divine light shine upon you, illuminating your path with positivity and blessings.
Wishing you a blessed Ram Navami filled with the divine presence and grace of Lord Rama.
May the ideals of Lord Rama inspire you to lead a life of integrity, compassion, and selflessness. Happy Ram Navami!
Let us remember the noble virtues of Lord Rama and strive to imbibe them in our lives on this auspicious day.
May the divine blessings of Lord Rama be with you, protecting you from all adversities and guiding you towards success.
Wishing you a joyous Ram Navami surrounded by the love and blessings of Lord Rama and your loved ones.
May the divine energy of Lord Rama empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness in all your endeavors. Happy Ram Navami!
Let us celebrate the birth of Lord Rama with prayers, devotion, and gratitude for his eternal presence in our lives.
May the divine aura of Lord Rama bless you with happiness, prosperity, and fulfillment. Happy Ram Navami!
On this auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, may you be bestowed with the strength to overcome challenges and emerge victorious in every aspect of life.
Wishing you and your family a Ram Navami filled with divine blessings, love, and harmony.
May the divine grace of Lord Rama fill your heart with peace and your home with joy on this auspicious day.
Let us rejoice in the glory of Lord Rama and seek his divine guidance for a life filled with righteousness and compassion.
May Lord Rama’s divine presence uplift your spirit and fill your life with love, happiness, and prosperity. Happy Ram Navami!
Wishing you a blessed Ram Navami surrounded by the love and blessings of Lord Rama and your dear ones.
May the divine blessings of Lord Rama bring prosperity, success, and happiness into your life and home.
Let us celebrate the birth of Lord Rama with utmost devotion, gratitude, and reverence on this auspicious day.
May the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami inspire you to follow the path of truth, righteousness, and compassion.
On this sacred day, may Lord Rama’s divine presence shower you with peace, love, and divine blessings.
Wishing you a Ram Navami filled with devotion, spiritual growth, and enlightenment.
May the divine virtues of Lord Rama inspire you to lead a life of integrity, courage, and humility. Happy Ram Navami!
Let us offer our prayers to Lord Rama and seek his divine blessings for a blessed and fulfilling life ahead.
May the divine grace of Lord Rama be with you, protecting you from all harm and guiding you towards the path of righteousness.
Wishing you a joyous Ram Navami, filled with love, happiness, and the divine presence of Lord Rama.
May the teachings of Lord Rama guide you towards a life filled with compassion, kindness, and wisdom. Happy Ram Navami!
Let us celebrate the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami with devotion, humility, and gratitude in our hearts.
May the divine light of Lord Rama shine upon you, illuminating your path with love, peace, and prosperity.
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Ram Navami, filled with the divine blessings and grace of Lord Rama.
May the divine aura of Lord Rama bless you with strength, courage, and inner peace on this auspicious day of Ram Navami.
Chaitra Durga Ashtami 2024 is an event which symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and is the most important day of the Nine days of Chaitra Navratri. The nine days of Navaratri is a very important festival for Hindus across the nation and in these nine days people offer obeisance to nine forms of Goddess Durga, offer vegetarian food, and honor the divine feminine energy.
The Chaitra Durga Ashtami alternatively known as Mahashtami is a day on which the eighth manifestation of Goddess Durga and that is Goddess Maha Gauri is revered. It is the most sacred period in the Chaitra Navratri in which worshipping Lord Durga will allay all sufferings and bring prosperity in thje devotees’ life. This year Chaitra Durga Ashtami will happen in Shukla Paksha in the month of Chaitra i.e., April 16, 2024. Ashtami Tithi starts on April 15, 2024 at 12:11 PM and ends on April 16, 2024 – 01:23 PM.
Durga Astmi signifies the destruction of the evil forces by Maa Kalratri and after this she appeared as Goddess Durga and all the deities worshiped Goddess Durga and they were offering prayers to the Goddess. It is said that Goddess Durga is the combined strength of all Gods and every year Mother comes to Earth, destroys all evil and returns to her abode.
Discover 50+ captivating WhatsApp status videos for free download, curated for Durga Ashtami 2024. Express your festive spirit with ease.
Best Durga Ashtami 2024 Best WhatsApp Status Video Download
May the divine blessings of Goddess Durga fill your life with happiness, prosperity, and success. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you strength, courage, and wisdom on this auspicious occasion of Durga Ashtami.
May the divine presence of Maa Durga bless you and your family with love and joy. Happy Durga Ashtami!
On this sacred day, may Maa Durga shower her choicest blessings upon you and your loved ones.
May the festival of Durga Ashtami illuminate your life with positivity and prosperity. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Let us invoke the divine blessings of Maa Durga to overcome all obstacles and achieve success in our endeavors.
May the nine forms of Goddess Durga bless you with health, wealth, and happiness. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you a blessed Durga Ashtami filled with devotion, strength, and spiritual enlightenment.
May the divine mother empower you with strength and courage to face life’s challenges with grace. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Let us celebrate the triumph of good over evil and seek the blessings of Goddess Durga for a harmonious world.
May Maa Durga remove all negativities from your life and bless you with peace and prosperity. Happy Durga Ashtami!
On this auspicious day, may Maa Durga’s blessings guide you towards the path of righteousness and virtue.
May the divine presence of Goddess Durga fill your home with joy, laughter, and prosperity. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you a Durga Ashtami filled with devotion, love, and divine blessings.
May Maa Durga shower her choicest blessings upon you and your family on this auspicious day. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Let us celebrate the glory of Goddess Durga and seek her divine blessings for a fulfilling life ahead.
May the divine mother bestow her grace upon you and fulfill all your wishes on this auspicious occasion of Durga Ashtami.
Wishing you a joyous and prosperous Durga Ashtami filled with love, peace, and happiness.
May the divine energy of Maa Durga empower you to overcome all obstacles and achieve success in every aspect of life.
On this sacred day, may you be blessed with happiness, prosperity, and good fortune. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Let us bow down to Goddess Durga and seek her blessings for strength, courage, and wisdom.
May the divine presence of Maa Durga protect you from harm and bless you with abundance and prosperity. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Durga Ashtami filled with divine blessings and happiness.
May Maa Durga’s divine light guide you towards a path of righteousness and virtue. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Let us embrace the spirit of Durga Ashtami with love, devotion, and gratitude towards Goddess Durga.
May the nine days of Navratri bring peace, prosperity, and happiness into your life. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you a Durga Ashtami filled with joy, prosperity, and divine blessings from Goddess Durga.
May Maa Durga’s blessings be with you today and always, guiding you towards success and fulfillment.
Let us rejoice in the glory of Goddess Durga and seek her blessings for a blissful and prosperous life ahead.
On this auspicious day of Durga Ashtami, may Maa Durga shower her divine blessings upon you and your family.
May the divine mother bless you with strength, courage, and wisdom to overcome all obstacles in life. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you a blessed Durga Ashtami filled with devotion, love, and divine grace.
May the divine presence of Maa Durga fill your heart with joy, your soul with peace, and your life with prosperity. Happy Durga Ashtami!
May the divine energy of Maa Durga empower you to achieve success in all your endeavors. Happy Durga Ashtami!
Wishing you a Durga Ashtami filled with love, laughter, and moments of togetherness with family and friends.
May Maa Durga’s divine grace protect you from all evils and shower you with her blessings on this auspicious day.
Let us celebrate the victory of good over evil and seek the blessings of Goddess Durga for a peaceful world.
Wishing you a blessed and joyous Durga Ashtami, filled with love, devotion, and divine blessings from Goddess Durga.
Rama Navami is the birth anniversary of Lord Rama and is usually observed during the month of Chaitra Navratri or Vasanta Navaratri. The day is among the 5 holy festivals that are observed by all castes and communities of the Hindu religion.
The festival is observed on the 9th day of Shukla Paksha according to the Hindu calendar’s Chaitra month. Mostly, the festival is observed in April or March every year.
This year i.e. 2024 it will be celebrated on 17 April i.e. Wednesday. On this day, Lord Ram was born. He was one of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. He believed to be a figure of an ideal man as well as a symbol of righteousness, truth and virtue. Besides that, he was famous for his courage, devotion and bravery.
The festival is celebrated with devotion and dedication. Devotees like to visit the temple, offer their respect as well as perform puja. Traditional dishes such as neer mor and panakam are made, considered to be Lord Ram’s favourite. Close family and friends come together to offer their respect to a higher god. It also believed that his birth brought peace and positivity to the world.
Chaitra Navratri is also observed as the birthday of Lord Rama. He was born to King Dasharatha and his wife Kausalya. Many devotees like to recite verses from Ramayana and Shrimad Bhagavatam.
People take an early morning bath and baths the idols of Lord Rama. Later they are decorated and worshipped as a way to pay your respect to them.
Discover a collection of Ram Navami 2024 wishes, images, messages, quotes, greetings, and more for sharing on social media platforms like Instagram.
Best Ram Navami 2024 Wishes, Images, Messages, Quotes, Greetings, and Sayings
May God bless you and your family with all the good in the world and the best of health. Happy Ram Navami.
May the divine blessings of Lord Rama bring joy, peace, and prosperity into your life. Happy Ram Navami!
Wishing you and your family a blessed Ram Navami filled with love, happiness, and harmony.
On this auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, may Lord Rama shower his blessings upon you and your loved ones.
May the teachings of Lord Rama guide you to the path of righteousness and virtue. Happy Ram Navami!
This Ram Navami, may Lord Ram shower you with his blessings, love and care. I wish you and your family a very Happy Ram Navami.
Sending you heartfelt wishes for a joyous and blessed Ram Navami. May your life be filled with divine grace.
Let’s celebrate the birth of Lord Rama with joy and devotion. Wishing you a very happy Ram Navami!
Let the brightness of diyas and the echoes of the chants fill your life with happiness and contentment. Happy Ram Navami.
May the divine light of Lord Rama illuminate your life with peace, happiness, and prosperity. Happy Ram Navami!
Warm wishes to you and your family on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami. May you be blessed with strength and wisdom.
Also Read: Happy Ram Navami Quotes in Hindi, Images, Messages, Greetings, Wishes, Shayari, and Sayings
May the divine grace of Lord Rama always be with you. Wish you a very happy and prosperous Rama Navami.
May the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami fill your heart with love and devotion towards Lord Rama. Happy Ram Navami!
Wishing you a blissful and auspicious Ram Navami. May Lord Rama bless you with success and fulfillment.
Shayari, Banners, Posters, Cliparts and Instagram Captions
Ayodhya jinka dham hai, Ram jinka naam hai, Aise maryada Purushottam Ram ki charnon mein hamara pranam hai. Aapko Ram Navami ki hardik shubhkamnaye.
On this sacred day of Ram Navami, may you be blessed with courage, compassion, and wisdom like Lord Rama.
Let’s celebrate the glory of Lord Rama and seek his blessings for a fulfilling life. Happy Ram Navami!
Wishing you love, health, peace, and prosperity this Ram Navami. May Lord Rama always guide you and your family on the right path. Shubh Ram Navami.
May the divine presence of Lord Rama be with you today and always. Wishing you a happy and prosperous Ram Navami!
As we celebrate the birth of Lord Rama, let’s strive to follow his teachings of righteousness and truth. Happy Ram Navami!
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Hashtags: #Poila #Baishakh #Rangoli #Designs
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