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Bohag Bihu, also known as Rongali Bihu or Xaat Bihu is a festival which is unique to the state of Assam, the biggest of the seven sisters in the North East. The week-long festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Assam. The festival has great cultural and religious significance for the indigenous ethnic groups of Assam. Bihu signifies the onset of the Assamese New Year.
Bihu is in fact a tri-annual festival and is celebrated in three phases – Bohag Bihu is the occasion when crops are planted and it falls in the second week of April annually. The Kati Bihu is celebrated in October and the Magh Bihu is celebrated in January.
however the most important Bihu festival is the Bohag Bihu, also known as Rongali Bihu. In local dialect the term “Rong” translates to joy in Assamese and Rongali Bihu is an occasion to celebrate the festival with fervor and enthusiasm and Rongali Bihu signifies this spirit of joy and happiness.
This year the Bohag Bihu, also known as Rongali Bihu or Xaat Bihu will be celebrated on Sunday, April 14. However the festival will be celebrated across seven days, each day holding its unique significance, rituals, and customs.
Discover vibrant Bohag Bihu 2024 WhatsApp status videos for free download. Celebrate with over 50 engaging clips showcasing Assamese culture and festivities.
Best Bohag Bihu 2024 WhatsApp Status Video Download
May the melody of Bihu fill your heart with joy and your home with happiness.
Wishing you a colorful and vibrant Bohag Bihu filled with love and prosperity.
May the spirit of Bihu bring prosperity and success to your life.
Let’s celebrate the beauty of Assamese culture and traditions this Bohag Bihu.
Sending you warm wishes for a joyful Bohag Bihu celebration!
May this Bihu bring new beginnings and abundant blessings to your life.
Wishing you a harvest of happiness and prosperity this Bohag Bihu.
May the rhythm of Bihu drums resonate with the beats of your heart, filling you with energy and enthusiasm.
May the fragrance of Assam’s blooming fields bring peace and serenity to your life this Bohag Bihu.
May the blessings of Bihu fill your life with health, wealth, and success.
Wishing you and your family a delightful Bohag Bihu celebration filled with laughter and joy.
May the dance of Bihu performers inspire you to embrace life’s joys and challenges with grace and enthusiasm.
Let’s cherish the traditions of Bihu and create beautiful memories with our loved ones.
May the essence of Bihu bring harmony and unity among all communities.
Wishing you a Bihu filled with delicious feasts and cherished moments with loved ones.
May the spirit of Bihu ignite your soul with passion and determination to achieve your dreams.
Let’s welcome the new year with open arms and hearts full of gratitude this Bohag Bihu.
May the festivities of Bihu fill your life with laughter, love, and prosperity.
Wishing you a Bihu celebration as bright and colorful as the Assamese culture.
May the blessings of Bihu shower upon you and your family endless happiness and prosperity.
Let’s rejoice in the rhythm of Bihu dances and songs, celebrating the rich culture of Assam.
May the warmth of Bihu bonfires illuminate your path towards success and fulfillment.
Wishing you a Bihu filled with the aroma of pitha, the sweetness of doi, and the joy of merriment.
May the traditions of Bihu remind us of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.
Let’s spread love and happiness this Bohag Bihu, embracing the spirit of togetherness.
May the blessings of Bihu bring peace and prosperity to every corner of your life.
Wishing you a Bihu celebration brimming with laughter, love, and cherished moments.
May the spirit of Bihu inspire you to appreciate the beauty of nature and the simplicity of life.
Let’s come together to celebrate the vibrancy and richness of Assamese culture this Bohag Bihu.
May the joyous spirit of Bihu fill your heart with love and gratitude for life’s blessings.
Wishing you a Bihu as bright and colorful as the Assamese traditional attire.
May the rhythm of Bihu drums echo the heartbeat of a united Assam, thriving in diversity.
Let’s celebrate the harvest season with gratitude and humility, honoring the hard work of our farmers.
May the blessings of Bihu bring prosperity and success to your endeavors throughout the year.
Wishing you a Bihu celebration filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable memories.
May the spirit of Bihu renew your soul and fill your life with hope and optimism.
Let’s embrace the traditions of Bihu with open hearts, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
May the joyous melodies of Bihu bring peace and harmony to your home and heart.
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