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Gudi Padwa is an auspicious festival for Marathi and Konkani Hindus. It celebrates the traditional New Year according to the lunisolar calendar. During this time, houses are adorned with flowers and vibrant colors. Traditional dances, mouth-watering foods, and street processions are all part of the celebration.
This year it will be celebrated on 9 April 2024.
In the state of Maharashtra, the word “Gudi” refers to a flag that can be seen in most homes during the festival. Meanwhile, “Padwa” or “pāḍavā” comes from the Sanskrit word that means to mark the day the moon appears after the new moon, and the first day after the new moon. Many believe the flag denotes the official flag of Brahma, while others believe it symbolizes the flag of Indra.
According to Hindu texts and traditions, Lord Brahma created the universe on Gudi Padwa. Additionally, he introduced the concepts of months, years, and days to people.
In Andhra Pradesh, the festival is known by the name of Ugadi. Considering the story of the creation of the universe, devotees also worship Lord Brahma on Gudi Padwa.
The festival marks the harvesting of Rabi crops. Many also celebrate it as the day of Lord Rama’s coronation in Ayodhya after his return from defeating Ravana. He was welcomed with a joyous celebration.
Another story related to the festival is the commencement of the Shalivahan calendar after their victory against the invasion of the Huns during the 1st century.
The festival is celebrated in many ways, including decorating a bamboo stick with silk-like fabric. Houses are decorated with garlands made of leaves, neem, and mango leaves.
Discover heartfelt Gudi Padwa 2024 wishes, quotes, images, and captions to celebrate and share the joy of the festival.
Best Gudi Padwa 2024 Wishes, Messages, Images, Quotes
“Wishing you a Gudi Padwa filled with new hopes, joy, and prosperity. May this year bring you success and happiness. Happy Gudi Padwa!”
Wishing you a colourful beginning of the new year! May this new year bring you lots of happiness and laughter. Happy Gudi Padwa!
“May the auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa bring you and your family health, wealth, and success. Happy New Year!”
May the almighty bless you with countless joys, health, prosperity, wealth and happiness this season. Happy Gudi Padwa!
“As we celebrate Gudi Padwa, let’s welcome new beginnings with open hearts. May it bring you everything you hope for. Happy Gudi Padwa!”
Greetings, Sayings, Cliparts and Instagram Captions
On this auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa, I wish you all the happiness, love and success in life! Keep smiling and celebrating. Happy Gudi Padwa!
“Let this Gudi Padwa be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the new year dawns, may it fill your life with vibrant colors and new hopes. Happy Gudi Padwa!”
May this auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa bring you countless joy, prosperity, wealth and good health to you and your family! Stay blessed!
“May the sweetness of jaggery and the fragrance of neem bring health and happiness to your life this Gudi Padwa. Wishing you a prosperous New Year!”
“On the auspicious day of Gudi Padwa, may you be blessed with good fortune as long as Ganapati’s trunk, wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach, happiness as sweet as his ladoos, and may your trouble be as small as his mouse. Happy Gudi Padwa!”
“Let’s make more wonderful memories this year. May this Gudi Padwa bring you joy, health, and prosperity. Wishing you a very Happy Gudi Padwa!”
“Wishing you a Gudi Padwa that marks the start of a year as colorful as the rangoli that adorns your doorstep and as bright as the gudi flag you fly. Happy New Year!”
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