
Tips On Health And Dental Care

Step-by-step orthodontic guide, find out about the entire process with the McAllister Orthodontics. Orthodontics, metal braces, Invisalign, porcelain braces! Right now everyone has heard of these treatments at some point. If you are considering correcting those misplaced teeth, you will be thinking: what treatment should I get?

Maybe you are interested in implants; take a look at our dental implants guide. I am going to explain the steps you must follow to achieve the perfect smile you expect from your orthodontic treatment.


Before starting this section I want to emphasize something that we have already discussed previously on this blog. The diagnosis is very important! The fact that you are going to continue the treatment with metal braces or Invisalign is not the important thing, but knowing what needs to be corrected.

Just as if you don’t know how to get to your destination, if you take a trip by car, you would previously check on Google Maps how to get there, your orthodontist should perform a minimum of prior tests before starting treatment.

Dr. Paul McAllister always performs a cephalometric study before starting any orthodontic treatment, whether with conventional braces, lingual orthodontics, Invisalign, etc. 

They make some study models to be able to see well how your arches articulate (how you bite), and measure the size of your teeth:

Radiological Study

It is necessary to do a panoramic x-ray (of the entire mouth) to see the general condition of your teeth, in case you have cavities, gum problems or any source of infection that does not present symptoms.

Then you have to take a lateral skull x-ray to do the cephalometry, this consists of making a layout of the bone structures and your teeth, with the help of some anthropometric points and some plans, your orthodontist can very precisely assess the necessary dental movements to optimally correct your occlusion or bite.

Once your orthodontist has explained to you what your treatment plan is going to be like and you have understood the needs and why to correct them, you must agree with him on how to correct your problem, that is, what appliances to use.

Choice Of Apparatology

Here is the big dilemma, what do I wear? Let’s see the options you have:

Metal Brakes

They are the braces of a lifetime. They are like metal “plates” that are glued to the tooth. Braces are attached to a wire or arch to move all your teeth in a rhythmic manner.

Aesthetic Brakes

They are the same “chapitas” that we mentioned in the previous section, with the difference that they are made of porcelain or zirconium. These materials are much more aesthetic and therefore discreet.

Lingual Brakes

They are the next “level” of aesthetic orthodontic treatments. They are the same “chapitas” that I mentioned in the previous section, but instead of being glued in front, they are glued in the back, making it difficult for anyone to see that you have any orthodontic treatment on your teeth.


This is the aesthetic treatment par excellence. With this type of orthodontic treatment it is practically impossible for anyone to see that you are wearing an “appliance”. They are transparent aligners that you have to change periodically (generally every 15 days). They perform the same function as braces but more discreetly.

They have an added advantage, as they are removable or “removable” you can clean your teeth comfortably and prevent cavities from forming and/or your gums from becoming inflamed and having to do frequent cleanings during your orthodontic treatment.

Start Of Treatment

The big day has arrived. Today you start orthodontic treatment. You have previously agreed with your orthodontist on the treatment objectives and with what equipment you are going to achieve it. Normally, patients come in nervous the day the braces are put on, but you leave surprised that you don’t suffer any pain at that appointment.

What’s more, at McAllister Orthodontics, Dr. Paul always uses the indirect bonding technique, so placing the braces will be much more comfortable for you. If you want to get appointment call (402) 607-8812.

The first few days it is normal for you to have some discomfort when chewing, but it disappears 7-15 days after putting on the braces. Until then, try to follow a “soft” diet: rice, pasta, fish…

You may get some sores, but by applying “orthodontic wax” to the braces that bother you, they will disappear quickly. With invisalign the problem of sores does not exist because the aligners are perfectly polished to prevent their appearance.

Treatment Monitoring

Treatment follow-up is generally done every month. It is important that you go to your review appointment. During it, your orthodontist will check that the treatment is progressing correctly and, if necessary, will make the relevant activations. If you don’t go to your appointments, you won’t know if everything is going well and you will only end up prolonging the treatment unnecessarily.

As appointments are scheduled in advance, you can plan perfectly when it is convenient for you to attend your next check-up without disrupting your schedule.

Finalization Of Your Orthodontic Treatment

You have finally finished your treatment! Congratulations, you have been a good patient, you have followed your orthodontist’s instructions and you have managed to correct all the objectives that you and your orthodontist set for yourself.

Now you have to put on the retention appliance. But hadn’t the treatment been finished? Yes, but if you want the effort to be worth it you should use this device. But why? Simple, your teeth tend to return to the position they were in. It’s as if they have “memory”. Retention appliances prevent this type of relapse or relapse.

They can be of two types, fixed or removable. The fixed one is usually more comfortable because in the end you forget that you have it, but you have to be more careful when brushing your teeth. The removable one is more hygienic but you should not forget to use it so that your teeth do not dislodge.

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2024-04-04 06:45:43

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